Lightning Ridge

We’ve been to Coober Pedy a few times so it was interesting to see a different opal field. Lightning Ridge is home to ‘black’ opal as well as to many characters. Black opal is the most sought after and expensive opal. According to our guide on a tour we took it’s the only opal valued by the carat.

And speaking of tours… The tour we went on was in a small bus and with Covid we were a little cautious. So Judie and I were huddled in a corner of the back of the bus wearing masks. No one else was and avoided sitting near us until there was no option. The tour guide gave his patter that he probably did twice a day everyday, making the same jokes and waiting for the laughter. Anyway, it was interesting and we learnt a bit that we would have missed otherwise.

Apparently the census is always difficult in Lightning Ridge. Many people go there to disappear or don’t want their names known to the taxman. Lots of people only have a first name and the population sign on the edge of town only has a ‘?’.

There are artesian baths in Lighting Ridge and we went for a visit. Lots of people in the water and I remarked to Judie that I thought you were supposed to be wrinkly after you got out of the water and not before! And yes, I know we probably qualify…

Our highlight was the trip we did out to the Sheepyard Hotel (great pies), the Glengarry Hilton and the Club in the Scrub. It’s a loop that follows the opal workings and watering holes. The person serving at the Club in the Scrub came from Bungendore – a small world. She wasn’t too forthcoming on her past – it is Lightning Ridge after all!

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Love your comment regarding wrinkly skin!!!:)
    That’s hilarious
    The tri sounds fantastic

    1. Yes, and we didn’t go in. Too many people in the water.

  2. … looks great… now I know where to go when the law is after me ha ha !!

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